The Essence of Life

The essence of life is being exposed and the battle of good and evil surfaces yet another time. Throughout history humans have experienced traumatic shifts: wars, pandemics, and ethnic cleansing, to call out a few. But each time, we’ve returned to a place of peace, at least for a while.

Currently we are experiencing another one of those shifts; although, this one is unique from most. Our world is more interconnected than ever before in the history of humans. The Internet has allowed us to connect globally and bring to light the fact that we are all the same in more ways than we are different. read more

Callous Insanity

Callous Insanity

This little boy just lost both of his parents in the El Paso shootings this week.

His parents tried to save him and were killed doing so.

The little boys hand was broken when his parents fell dead on top of him.

This is Donald Trump smiling with thumbs up for a photo opportunity.

If this is not Callous Insanity, I don’t know what is.

This is the President of the United States of America.

This little boy will never know his parents.

Congress- Do your damn job and stop this insanity now! read more

Don’t Skate to the Puck!

The great hockey player, Wayne Gretzky, once said: “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it’s been.” This differentiated him from all other hockey players of his time.

Let’s apply this aphorism to what it will take to save our country from losing our democracy and core values; the things that differentiate us from all other countries in the world.

From the beginning of Trump’s presidency many people who opposed him said, while it was bad, we shouldn’t worry too much because there are checks and balances in our democratic system of government, and worse case he can be voted out in four years. read more