A Modern Day Coup

I know it’s very late in the game to influence the Presidential election, but unfortunately I didn’t come to this realization until last night.  There is no way to prove what I see, at least not at this time; however, it’s so frightening to me that I must put it out there for everyone I can reach to consider.  For one short moment, please open up your minds to consider this scenario, as incredible as it may sound.

We are witnessing a modern day coup attempt going on right in front of our eyes and we don’t know how to stop it.  Yes, history repeats itself; however, we can’t see it coming because the same event manifests itself in new and more complex ways. read more

An Open Apology to My Children and Grandchildren

I’m sorry…

I’m sorry for enabling the 2016 Republican Party to nominate the person they did to become their candidate for President of the United States.  I know I can’t accept full responsibility; however, I feel that I and my generation let you down.

We were the generation that grew up in the sixties and were going to change the world.  We were the “love generation” and the students who protested an expanding “war”, bad government, and a President who lied to the citizens.  We said we wanted to make peace and love in the world. read more

A Time of Consternation…A Time for Fear

Our government finally allowed it to happen… We’ve become a land of consternation

I know my hypothesis can never be proven true with analysis, but I believe it will highlight an issue that is tearing apart our country.  I’ve written about this a number of different ways in the past.  But now, our country has fallen into a state of consternation and I am fearful that we don’t see it or just want to ignore it.

Maybe Donald Trump will be seen historically as the catalyst for showing the true colors of our government (Republicans and Democrats).  Maybe this would have happened even if he didn’t come along.  The point is, our government hasn’t been doing its job for many years and has now left us exposed to anarchy.  Lines in the sand, ignoring the average American’s needs, greed, money, pandering to the lobbyists like the NRA, drug and health insurance companies, etc. have left us exposed. read more